Logging in OS-DPI:

Our primary goal is to ensure a comprehensive record of all user interactions with the interface, as well as the speech outputs produced by the device. During our preliminary trials, we have effectively captured vital details such as the Date and time, Labels, and Speech Outputs. The flexibility of logging is enhanced by the inclusion… Continue reading Logging in OS-DPI:

21st Century Communication Board: Initial Technical Trials

We recently completed a sequence of technical trials involving our OSDPI-implemented on communication board (CB) The goals of these trials were as follows: Camera Positioning: We found that positioning the social camera as shown below provides the best view of both participants in two party conversations. This positioning also allows participants to view each other… Continue reading 21st Century Communication Board: Initial Technical Trials

21st Century Communication Board: Update on Communication Board Content and Function

We have currently developed three prototype communication displays on OSDPI. The displays and notes about their function are presented below.  Option 1: This version contains only the frequently used words, alphabet, basic punctuation and a “space” button to indicate spelled word completion as desired by the user.   Option 2:  In addition to the “basic” message… Continue reading 21st Century Communication Board: Update on Communication Board Content and Function

Personalizing AAC Communication with Informed Conversational AI

In the previous post, we explored how we’ve implemented an uninformed AI system to enrich the AAC user experience. Now, let’s delve into the other half of the AI framework we’re building – the informed AI and how we’ve given it a personalized touch. Closed Domain Informed AI Unlike the uninformed AI, the informed AI… Continue reading Personalizing AAC Communication with Informed Conversational AI

Enhancing AAC Communication with Uninformed Conversational AI

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) systems have long benefitted individuals who struggle with spoken and written language. In my current project, we’re taking AAC further, utilizing cutting-edge advancements in conversational AI to assist AAC users further. Open Domain Uninformed AI Our approach incorporates two types of AI models – the “uninformed” and the “informed.” The… Continue reading Enhancing AAC Communication with Uninformed Conversational AI

It’s All About The Tasks…

Since January 2023, the Move team focused on constructing conversational tasks and an experimental protocol to test the usability and effectiveness of the Move interface. In taking this take on, the team quickly realized that we needed to figure out the ideal amount of time and exposure participants needed to: Once the team had these… Continue reading It’s All About The Tasks…

We are on Version 6!

As the Move team started understanding the requirements for conversational tasks, the interface needed to change. We are now on version 6 of the Move interface. In creating this version, the following updates were made: